Finding the Right Legal Representation for Your Company
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Finding the Right Legal Representation for Your Company

Finding a reliable lawyer to work with who can represent your company no matter what kind of legal issues it faces in the coming years can be ovrewhelming, especially if you aren't sure what kinds of legal support you may need as your business grows. This blog outlines a variety of legal issues to consider while building your company, so you now what kind of legal representation to keep on hand at all times. You can also expect to learn how to go about finding the right lawyer to work with in any unique situation that you might find yourself in.


Finding the Right Legal Representation for Your Company

Consequences Of DUI With Child Passenger

Tracy Roberts

An ordinary driving under the influence (DUI) charge or conviction is bad, but a DUI with a child passenger is even worse. Here are some of the specific consequences you may face if accused of having a child passenger while driving under the influence:

You Are Likely to Face Aggravated DUI Charges

DUI charges aren't created equal; some DUI charges are more serious than others. The circumstances of your drunk driving determine the seriousness of the DUI charges you can face. For example, you are likely to end up with aggravated DUI charges if you

  • Had a high BAC (blood alcohol content) at the time of your testing
  • Caused an accident with your drunk driving
  • Have a history of DUI convictions
  • Were drunk driving with a child passenger

If you are charged with aggravated DUI, then you should expect enhanced penalties if convicted. Aggravated DUI convictions also lead to lengthier license suspensions as compared to ordinary DUI. In short, having a child passenger while drunk driving will see you punished more heavily than having adult passengers or no passengers at all.

You May Face a Child Endangerment Charge

Driving while intoxicated with a child passenger may also see you get charged with the crime of child endangerment. Child endangerment is the act of placing a child in imminent danger. The imminent danger could be the risk of death, physical injury or mental injury.

From the definition of child endangerment, it is clear that DUI with a child passenger can attract child endangerment charges. This is because DUI increases the risk of an accident and a child passenger may not have the means or awareness to seek alternative means of transport. Therefore, prepare for at least two criminal charges if you have been arrested for drunk driving with a child passenger – DUI and child endangerment charges.

You May Lose Custody of the Child

There is also a real possibility of getting your child taken away from you after getting charged with DUI with a child passenger. The reasoning here is that if you can put your child in such level of danger, then you aren't the right person to take care of the child. The risk of this happening is even higher if there is no other parent who can take care of the child. In such a case, your child is likely to end up in protective custody while the government determines their fate.

As you can see, you stand to lose a lot if you are convicted of DUI with a child passenger. Therefore, it's in your best interest to do your best to defend such charges. Talk to a DUI or DWI defense lawyer for more information.
