Finding the Right Legal Representation for Your Company
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Finding the Right Legal Representation for Your Company

Finding a reliable lawyer to work with who can represent your company no matter what kind of legal issues it faces in the coming years can be ovrewhelming, especially if you aren't sure what kinds of legal support you may need as your business grows. This blog outlines a variety of legal issues to consider while building your company, so you now what kind of legal representation to keep on hand at all times. You can also expect to learn how to go about finding the right lawyer to work with in any unique situation that you might find yourself in.


Finding the Right Legal Representation for Your Company

Your Workers' Comp Claim: Protecting Yourself

Tracy Roberts

Work injuries can have serious effects on your career, pocketbook and life. If something happened and you want to be reimbursed through a claim, these workers' comp suggestions should prove valuable for that purpose.

Report Immediately

You may have left work on the day you were injured and be at home recuperating. However, if you haven't formally reported the accident to your immediate supervisor, that's a problem. You may assume everyone knows, but even if that is so, you need to be the one to alert your supervisor if you want the workers' comp process to begin.

Speak to HR

A lot of people may have advice for you; however, it's dangerous to your claim to rely on any of them. Even if a co-worker is well-meaning or a relative had something similar happen, they could forget or overlook vital relevant details which could make trouble for your own case. The human resources (HR) department is the best resource for information. They know the deadlines that apply to you, they know what the insurance company will want and they know what is required if you want to keep your job.

Once given direct instructions, get to work completing forms and compiling the information required. Keep a copy of every document you turn in and remember to keep following up with the same person or people in HR so your claim is handled promptly. Specifically, ask when the insurance company will be sent documentation of your injuries.

See Your Doctor

Your company might ask that you are seen and observed by an approved physician. While this is necessary to move things along, seeing your own regular physician is also advisable. They have a better understanding of your entire medical history and may offer additional recommendations and treatment. Ensure that you're following the dictates of the treatment plans you're given; should it be revealed that you're ignoring medical advice, doubt could be cast on your claim. In fact, if the insurer hires any investigators to look into your personal actions, they may have clear proof that you're ignoring physician treatment plan and your claim could be immediately denied.

Don't Give Everyone the Details

As mentioned, investigators could be quietly assembling information which could torpedo your claim. One of the first places they'll look is the internet; some searching could reveal your multiple personal social media accounts. If you're sharing a ton of details about what happened and how you feel about it, or talking badly about supervisors or others involved in the incident, that could be just what investigators are trying to find. Instead, remain as private as you're able until everything is settled.

Your claim could benefit from professional legal advice. A workers' comp lawyer should be someone you'll see if you're serious about successful claim resolution. For more information, contact a firm such as Shay & Associates.
